OpenCms Documentation/Extending OpenCms/Development setups
Developing the OpenCms core
(This is an extension to the official documentation page)
With the default configuration, the gradle build script assumes the following directory hierarchy. For clarity, `a.b.c` and `d.e.f` represent two internal --as opposed to external-- modules; and `g.h.i` and `j.k.l` represent two external modules. Notice that there are two possible external modules hierarchies, but the build only supports one of them. If both are present, only altExternalStructure is considered.
work/ +--- BuildCms/ (build target dir) | +--- classes/ (contains the compiled OpenCms classes, inclusive a/b/c/**/*.class and d/e/f/**/*.class) | +--- lib/ (contains all jar files, inclusive opencms.jar, a.b.c.jar and d.e.f.jar) | \--- modulesZip (contains all modules distribution zips, inclusive and +--- opencms-core/ (opencms-core sources) | +--- src/ (OpenCms main sources) | | \----org/opencms/main/ (internal version properties file) | +--- src-gwt/ (contains the java sources of the OpenCms core and modules that use gwt to generate ui elements. These sources will be compiled with the gwt-compiler) | | +--- a/b/c/ (per module, the dir path is calculated from module.gwt, defined in the of the module) | | | \--- a.b.c.gwt.xml (gwt config. a.b.c is the value of module.gwt declared in the of the module) | | \--- d/e/f/ | | \--- d.e.f.gwt.xml | +--- src-modules | | +--- a/b/c/**/* (sources and resources of a package without gwt code. Modules declare their packages within the module.packages property of their file.) | | \--- d/e/f/**/* | \--- modules/ | +--- a.b.c/ | | +--- | | +--- META-INF/services/ | | +--- resources/ (contains the module resources, e.g. html, css, jsps...) | | | +--- system/modules/a.b.c | | | | +--- lib/**/*.jar (module libraries -- used during compilation of module) | | | | \--- libext/**/*.jar (same as 'lib') | | | \--- manifest.xml (OpenCms module definition. Defines also dependencies on other modules that will be used during compilation) | | \--- static (e.g. css and font files for gwt, 3rd party html and js resources of tinymce and codemirror modules...) | \--- d.e.f/ | +--- | +--- META-INF/services/ | +--- resources/ | | +--- system/modules/d.e.f | | | +--- lib/**/*.jar | | | \--- libext/**/*.jar | | \--- manifest.xml | \--- static +--- (external version properties file) +--- external-modules-altExternalStructure (priority file hierarchy for external modules. The name of this directory is not fixed. OpenCms looks for this directory based on the property value of external_directories.) | +--- (list of all external modules. If present, altExternalStructure is set to true) + +--- g.h.i / + | (TODO) +--- external-modules (sources of additional opencms modules, e.g. Alkacon's modules-v8. The name of this directory is not fixed. OpenCms looks for this directory based on the property value of external_directories. Notice that this directory is ignored if external-modules-altExternalStructure/ is present) +--- modules/ (modules resources) | +--- g.h.i/ (per module. Contains the resources of the module) | +--- j.k.l/ | \--- (list of all external modules) +--- src (contains the java sources of all extra modules that must be compiled with javac --that is, no gwt code) +--- src-gwt (contains the java sources of all external modules that use gwt to generate ui elements. These sources will be compiled with the gwt-compiler) \--- (list of all external modules if modules/ not available)
The gradle build script accesses the following configuration files (some relevant properties are shown): \--- version.number (version information) opencms-core/modules/ \--- modules.common.all (list of all module names) extra-modules/modules/ \--- modules.common.all (list of all additional module names) extra-modules/ (if extra-modules/modules/ not available) \--- modules.common.all (list of all additional module names) opencms-core/src-gwt/org/opencms/GwtBaseCommon.gwt.xml (tune to skip unnecessary builds) +--- locale \--- use.agent opencms-core/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/ (default logging settings) opencms-core/modules/$moduleName/ (compile settings for module $moduleName) +--- module.packages (comma separated list of packages to include in the compilation) \--- module.gwt [optional] (name of the associated gwt module, if any. This is the module of the gwt-compiler command line)
The gradle build scripts supports the following properties (defaults are shown, if defined):
additional_repositories (semicolon-separated list the urls of maven repositories) max_heap_size: 1024m (maximum heap size for the tasks workplaceTheme, gwt_* and test*) external_directories (path to an additional gradle project with OpenCms modules, i.e., there is a $external_directories/modules/ file) tomcat_update_target (path to the lib dir of the deployed opencms webapp, e.g. /var/lib/tomcat/webapps/opencms/WEB-INF/lib) noVersion (if set, sets the distribution version to the empty string) module_copy_target (if set to an existing filepath, copies the distributables to that path) testCaseToRun (for the testSingle task, path to the test cases, e.g. 'org/opencms/main/TestCmsSystemInfo*') publish_repository (if set, defines a new uploadArchives tasks that allows the upload of artifacts to an external repository. Notice that the repository could be the file system, e.g. 'file:///$PWD/target/install') publish_user, publish_password (if publish_repository is set, these variables must also be set and define the credentials required to upload artifacts to $publish_repository) skip_javadoc: unset (if set to true, javadoc generation is skipped)
Note.- Inside the gradle script, properties can be defined using the ext prefix. E.g.: